University Groups Contribute to Sustainable Development

This Spring term, our Student Ambassadors have been putting on online events at their universities.


Students at Southampton and Liverpool have developed street maps of parts of the world where spatial data is scarce, using satellite images and OpenStreetMap. This is known as a Mapathon.

Liverpool focused their mapping on areas affected by natural hazards, working on projects such as Early Action Flood Mitigation in Purworejo and Volcano Hazard Prevention and Mitigation in Papandayan and Guntur Java, both in Indonesia.

Talks on SDGs and the Geosciences

GfGD Ambassadors at Imperial College and Cardiff hosted talks focussed on elements of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Imperial looked at SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, with a talk from Professor Martin Blunt about Carbon Capture and Storage.

Cardiff explored SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, inviting Lucy Crane to discuss how the mineral extraction company, Cornish Lithium, is achieving its sustainability goals and productively liaising with local communities.

Students raise £450

We are also extremely grateful to the students of Liverpool, who have raised over £450 for GfGD through fundraising alongside The University of Liverpool's annual Herdman Symposium.